Paying it forward – amazing businesses I work with…

Mike Cottam
This is the bloke who does all my website stuff. He is phenomenal and I am so happy with everything he does. He redesigned my website recently and supports me with a Care Plan for the website on a monthly basis.

Simplified Accounting
My accountant Rachael is a lifesaver. I understand business now, with her support, more than ever before. Where would I be without her? She works on a referral basis, so if you think you might want to work with her I will introduce you.

Lea Turner
What can I say about Lea? She is a complete nutcase in the most wonderful way! She has taught me the power of LinkedIn, and helped me get to where I am with her support, sassiness and amazing ‘no-knobs’ business community The HoLT.

Katie Skelton
Katie is a whizz with all things email-related. So if conquering your fear of sending an email newsletter is holding you back, have a chat with her. She also does fantastic short courses and one-to-one work too. Best go check her out!

Helen (Hels) Hall
Helen is my go-to person for anything strength-related; she is a phenomenal coach. I train with her online, but she does in person too, but I live too far away! If you are into swinging bells, or you want to learn, you know what to do.